WTR garter. Source: ©
G. Hartley (scan RCJ)
Waterford and Tramore Railway [Incorporated 1851. Opened 5/9/1853]. Route mileage 7 miles. Single main line with no intermediate stations and no branches. Constituent of Great Southern Railways in 1925. Closed 31/1/1960.
Rolling stock: 5 new locos built 1854-1908 (3
William Fairbairn - 1 on loan, 1 Slaughter Grunning - Wks.
No. 452 of 1861, 1 Andrew Barclay - Wks. No. 1137), 1
acquired secondhand 1854 from contractor. Few goods
vehicles, originally 10 opens (down to 5 at grouping).
Three covered, five open wagons, 4 locos and 21 coaches
passed to GSR.
Works: Waterford.
Livery: It is thought that early engines were
known by their colours rather than being numbered. But
other sources suggest a constant light green bodywork with
black bands lined vermillion on the boilers and brown
frames, whilst the domes, where provided, and other
mountings were of polished brass except for the chimney
caps which were copper. First class carriages were dark
blue with white lining and third class dark red (brownish
hue) with black lining. The inside of the frames was
painted orange. Lettering was yellow edged with red and the
number appeared in a garter bearing the company's name once
on each vehicle. [EFC In 1900 engines were green lined with
red and black, 3rd class coaches - maroon, 1st - royal blue
with yellow lining. In 1900 engines were light green with
black bands lined with vermillion and brown underframes.
Engines nos. were brass figures on cab side sheets [JAP:
Only locos in GSR to keep plates to the end]. Domes were
polished brass and chimneys copper topped. Coaches were
dark blue with white lining and lettering in yellow shaded
red. Third class coaches were dark red with black lining
and lettering in gold shaded red. Goods wagons were grey
with white lettering and black ironwork. In 1900 locos were
light green picked out with fine red lines. Boiler lagging
bands were light brass and domes polished brass. In 1913
engines were light green with banding of black and
vermillion lining. Underframes were mid-brown and chimney
copper topped. Domes and no. plates were polished brass.
1st class coaches were dark blue lined out white and 3rd
class red lined out black. Lettering in both cases was in
yellow shaded black. Goods vehicles were painted lead grey
with white lettering.]
Staff: Loco superintendents: Henry Waugh
1860-1908, J.Ramsey 1908-1912, E.G.Johnson 1912-1925.
Secretaries included G.N.Baker 1863-1877, W.Rea
Signalling: One engine in steam.
Further reading: H.Fayle and A.T. Newham The Waterford and Tramore Railway, J.A.Phelan "Tramore Railway Memories" JIRRS 1087.
"The W&TR (23cm wide x 30cm high) device has gilt edging, lettering shaded black, and ornamentation on red garter." Source: D. Cronin.
Locomotive nameplates:
Works & tenderplates:
Bridge Restriction:
Bridge Numbers:
WTR gate
WTR 1908 TT.
Source: SRA296
WTR button.
Source: TRA504.
button. Source: ebay214. (full image 81K)
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Page posted 27/7/1997. Revised 23/1/15