Constituents Finn Valley Railway (1863) - originally 5'3" gauge, West Donegal Railway opened 1882-9, amalgamated with FVR as Donegal Railway. Subsequent extensions to Glenties, Killybegs, Ballyshannon and Londonderry. The Donegal Railway became the CDRJC by Act of Parliament of 1/5/1906 and was jointly owned by the MRNCC and the GNRI. The Strabane and Letterkenny, which opened on 1/1/1909 was owned by the MRNCC but worked by the CDRJC. Total track mileage of 125 (incl. 14 1/2 owned by NCC, but worked by CDRJC), 21 locos, 56 passenger and 11 other passenger, 304 goods vehicles. There were 62 public level crossings. Line closed 1959. Restoration of loco Drumbo began 1983. Other stock recovered were coach No. 28 and the passenger portion of railcar No.14. For recent details see link below.
Rolling stock: Donegal Railway - 3' gauge: 3 locos
into stock from West Donegal Railway 1892; 12 built
1893-1904 (6 N, 2NR, 4 NW); 15 locos taken into CDRJC stock
1906. West Donegal Railway - 3' gauge: 3 locos built 1881
SS; 3 locos into DR stock 1892. CDRJC - 3'gauge : 15 locos
taken into stock 1906 from Donegal Railway (Sharp Stewart
Wks.Nos. 3021-3, 1881, Neilson Wks.No. 4573-8, 1893,
6103-4, 1901, Nasmyth Wilson Wks.Nos. 697-7000; 8 new locos
built 1907-1912, Builder Nasmyth Wilson (Wks.Nos.
828-832,1907 and 956-8, 1912). 23 railcars from various
builders: Allday and Onions 1906, 2 Ford 1924, Cartledge
1925, Drewry 1926, O'Doherty 1928, 1929, 1930, 2 Dundalk
1931 - the first diesel railcars in the British Isles, 2
Stranolar 1933, Walker Bros. 1932, Atkinson Walker 1929 -
Phoenix, Dundalk 1934, Ford 1925, Dundalk 1935, 2 1936,
1938, 1940, 1950, 1951. Carriage stock details, as at
1.1.24, are in Patterson. Builders of the 59 carriages
listed there were R.C.and W (11), Oldbury (36), Pickering
(9), LMSNCC (3).
Works: Stranolar
Livery: Originally locos green, coaches lake and
cream; in 1906 locos black with thin red lining, coaches
maroon, post-1933 locos black (except Phoenix - diesel
shunter, blue), coaches scarlet and cream, subsequently
post-1937 locos geranium red with black boilers and domes.
Nameplates on side tanks, numberplates on front cab panel.
Initially lined out with a thin double yellow line with
reversed corners, by 1958 this had been reduced to a single
line. [Patterson]Until 1906 engine livery green with black
bands and white lines. From 1906 until about 1937 it was
black lined red. After 1937 geranium red - unlined or in
white and possibly also yellow. Nameplates were brass, with
raised edge, affixed to middle of side tanks. Alice,
Blanche and Lydia had serif letters, others block capitals.
Engine nos. were first given as No.1, up to class 3, and
were painted or transferred. At a later date, the prefix
'No.' was left out. Classes 4, 5 and 5A were given cast
brass nos. when built. When Class 5 were renumbered only 6
and 8 got cast plates, 4 and 5 got painted nos.. When 2A
and 3A were renumbered, new plates were not cast and the
'A' s were filed off. A new plate was cast for Alice. Five
identifiable carriage liveries. Earliest Indian red or
chocolate, lined peacock blue, class nos. in gold shaded
black and red. Later, about 1905, saloon carriage two
colour - black lower, dark cream above. Other stock plum
and cream with mouldings in signal red. Then black, lined
red. During 1930s, two colour - red lower and cream upper,
plus thin black line. Ends of coaches red, except
observation coaches where two colours carried round.
Underframes, buffers, bogies and roofs black. Numbers were
gold, shaded black. Crest of Donegal Railway, and later
CDRJC, was either below the waist line or on a circular
board at mid window level. [SJC: Until 1912 locos were
green with spaced white lines on tanks. From 1912 black
with red lining. Nos.1 and 12 were still green in 1920.
From 1937 vermillion, either unlined or with red and white
lining. No.18 first to get new livery. No.11 only one of
Class 4 to get red, the rest remained black until end.
Earliest carriage livery described as Indian red on
chocolate lined in peacock blue. Later Livesey introduced a
two tone livery of black lower half and dark cream then
came all-black lined in white. In the 1930s this was
followed by red lower and cream upper. In April 1940
reports exist of the completion of painting in new
synthetic red and cream colours.
Staff: Loco. superintendents: FVR - 1882-90
D.Laverty, 1890-92 R.H.Livesey; WDR - 1892-1906
R.H.Livesey; CDRJC 1906-1922 R.H.Livesey; CDRJC Loco.
engineers: 1922-33 G.T.Glover, 1933-9 G.B.Howden, 1939-50
H.McIntosh, 1950-7 R.W.Meredith, 1957-60 H.E.Wilson.
Secretaries were: FVR - 1860 Sir E.Hayes, 1860-1 ?Murphy,
1861-90 J.A.Ledlie, 1890-2 R.H.Livesey; WDR - 1879-90
J.A.Ledlie, 1890-7 R.H.Livesey, 1897-1906 W.R.Lawson; CDRJC
- 1906-10 W.R.Lawson, 1910-43 H.Forbes 1943-66 B.L.Curran,
1966 E.Fitzgerald & M.J.Hayes. (For full list of
officers see Patterson, Appendix 5).
Signalling: Electric train staff. Larger
instruments in use on Derry, Glenties, Ballyshannon and
Killybegs lines and miniature staffs on the Finn Valley,
West Donegal and Letterkenny lines. Sections were
Strabane-Donemana-Londonderry (later merged),
Strabane-Castlefinn-Stranolar, Stranolar-Lough
Eske-Donegal, Donegal-Inver-Killybegs,
Stranolar-Fintown-Glenties (later merged),
Donegal-Ballintra-Ballyshannon (later merged),
Strabane-Raphoe-Glenmaquin-Letterkenny (subsequently
Strabane-Raphoe-Letterkenny).[By 1907 miniature staff
version developed. First installed on CDRJC. Removed Tyers
blocks from Stranolar-Lough Eske-Donegal section and
subtitution with 4 miniature staffs, installed by
29/1/1908. Source: Railway & Telecommunications, Tom
Wall IRRS601]
Other: In 1937 glazed frames for photos and maps
for carriages obtained from GNRI. Footwarmers sold to LLSR
in 1925.
Further reading: E.M.Patterson, The
County Donegal Railways, Steve Flanders, The
County Donegal Railway, H.C.Casserly, Outline of
Irish Railway History, S.J.Carse, "CDRJC Coaching
Stock" JIRRS 1080, S.J.Carse, "Motive Power of the
CDRJC" JIRRS 1087 and 288, R Robotham & J
The 'Wee Donegal' Revisited: More views of the County
Donegal Railways in colour.
Web: The Donegal Railways site has lots
of information on the CDRJC and the LLSR and is back again
at a new location in June 2005. The Narrow Gauge Museum at
Tywyn in Wales has a number of Irish narrow gauge CDRJC
items. Browse through their collection starting
here for CDRJC and constituents' railwayana. Items
illustrated are: 'Finn', 'Glenties' and 'Stranolar'
nameplates, a CDR locomotive axlebox cover, an 'Donegal
Railway Co' enamel poster header, a Saxby and Farmer
signal, a tail lamp glass in wooden frame, 2 similar colour
CDR posters and a ticket dating press – side entry.
CDRJC coa.
Source: SRA604
CDRJC coa.
Source: TRA305
CDRJC coa.
(full image 76k)
CDRJC coa.
Source: GCR110. (full image
CDRJC coa.
Source: JAC0115. full image
CDRJC coa.
Source: RNT0914 full image
Locomotive nameplates:
nameplate. Source: SRA1297
nameplate. Source: SRA698
CDRJC nameplate
'Eske'. Source: SRA1203
'Inver' nameplate. Source: GCR1008. (full image 12.5K).
nameplate. Source: SRA305
nameplate. Source: SRA1206
locomotive nameplate. Source: GCR0414 full image 25K
nameplate. Source: SRA605 (full
image 16K).
A third
+ numberplate (full image
nameplate. Source: GWR512. (full
image 16K).
A fourth
numberplate. Source: SRA1295
nameplates at Tywyn Source: RAG43
whistle. Source: GWR512. (full
image 9K).
Lydia name and no. plate - Fry
Works & tenderplates:
CDRJC railway makers' plate. Source: GCR108. (full image 12K).
Probably a CDRJC railcar worksplate. Source:
GWR415. full image 68K.
Donegal Railway, 'Hercules' makersplate. Source:
GCR713. (full image 36k)
Coach items:
carriage 'No smoking'. Source: RAG 63. (full image 16.3K).
carriage 'Laghey'. Source: RAG 63. (full image 15.2K).
carriage 'Ladies'. Source: RAG 63. (full image 22.5K).
County Railway brass luggage rack supports. Source: WHY410.
(full image 47K).
Wagon plates:
Railway axlebox cover. Source: ebay804. (full image 9K).
Railway footbridge. Source: GCR1008. (full image 11K).
Railway footbridge. Source: ebay0614. (full image 100K).
Bridge Restriction:
Bridge Numbers:
bridge. Source: GCR110. (full
image 28K)
trespass (TPCD101). Source: SRA1207
trespass (TPCD101), better image. Source: RAG54. (full image 69K).
Railway trespass (TPDR101). Source: RAG54. (full image 42K).
trespass. Source: SRA311
trespass notice. Source: GNR1013. (full image 103k)
enamel poster heading at Tywyn. Source: RAG43
DR poster board header. Source: RAG51. (full image 16.3K).
Out'. Source: SRA311
To Railway Station enamel (probably either CDRJC or
CLR). Source: GWR415. full image
staff. Source: ?ebay2000?. (full
image 16K).
'Raphoe-Buncrana' staff. Source: GCR1008. (full image 7.5K).
'Stranorlar-Castlefinn' staff (rings ground off). Source:
GCR1008. (full image
detonator box. Source: KRA106. (full
image 5k).
Letterkenny Railway gate crossing lamp. Source: GWR509.
(full image 47.1k).
Cutlery, china, ashtrays etc.:
stencils. Source: ebay1105. (full
image 4k).
CDRJC 1957
TT. Source: ebay607. (full image
brochure. Source: RAG62. (full
image 51k).
Railway poster. Source: GCR409. (full
image 39K).
Railway poster. Source: GCR1013. (full
image 45k)
Finn Valley
Railway button. Source: TRA207. (full
image 18k).
ticket. Source: ebay308. (full
image 13k).
Full images Cullion (full image
7.9k) Strabane (full image
8k) Omagh (full image 9k)
Gweedore (full image
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Page posted 27/7/1997. Revised 5/7/15