Dundalk, Newry and Greenore Railway

click for 4K .jpg image of DNGR coat of arms

History: Summary

The project was originally conceived of in the 1860's by the Dundalk and Enniskillen as a link between it and the LNWR (from whence the change of name of the DER to the INWR), via a sea route from Greenore to Holyhead. LNWR support was obtained and a nominally independent company was set up in 1863. Little progress was made due to a lack of funding and the collapse of the constituent company involved in the Newry-Greenore section in 1867. Subsequently the LNWR provided new capital and its control increased. In 1868 the LNWR Secretary assumed a similar role in the DNGR and its Head Office moved to Euston. Construction proceeded and a public service began on 1/5/1873. The company owned an hotel at Greenore, managements of which was taken over by the GNRI in 1932. Partition in 1922 adversely affected a company running 26 miles of railway in two jurisdictions. On 1/11/1932 the GNR and LMS assumed joint working of the DNGR. At Dundalk, Quay St. became a halt and most traffic was transferred to Barrack St., while at Newry, Bridge St. also became a halt and certain traffic was moved to Edward St.. On 1/7/1933 even closer working of the entire DNGR, including the hotel at Greenore, was taken on by the GNR. This led to the transfer of a considerable part of the DNGR stock to the NCC. During the war three of the surviving 5 locos were lent to the NCC. The last public service was on 31/12/1951, but a short stretch of line in Dundalk, connecting the GNR at Windmill Road Junction with Georges Quay, continued to be worked by the GNR. Final rolling stock comprised 5 saddle tank locos (only No.2 Greenore was in service to the end), a petrol railcar and 10 passenger carriages. It was considered preserving loco No.1 Macrory but only a 6 wheel composite coach was finally saved and is now in the UTFM. All loco nameplates were preserved. Despite the closure of the railway, the company continued to exist for more than five years.

Rolling stock: Rolling stock was provided by the LNWR. The original rolling stock programme comprised 6 coaches, 2 passenger brake vans, 2 goods brake vans, 50 cattle trucks, 10 bolster timber wagons, 40 open and 100 closed wagons. The first three engines were built in Crewe in 1873, while, for the extension of the line to Newry, two similar locos were built in 1876 (Crewe Wks.No.3877). A final loco was added in 1898. No.5 Carlingford was withdrawn in 1928 and scrapped. Original carriage stock was replaced between 1899 and 1908, by six wheel stock, except for 3 bogie coaches used on the Belfast boat train.
Works: Repair facilities existed at Greenore. Men were originally sent from Wolverton in the UK to overhaul the carriage stock until 1933 when this task was taken on by the GNR.
Livery: Livery of coaches was as the LNWR, chocolate with off-white upper panels
Staff: Secretaries were S.Reay (LNWR Secretary) 1868-71, A.C.Tickle 1950-54. . From 1871 the General Manager, Secretary, and chief officers at Euston functioned ex officio in respect of the DNGR. H.G.Burgess described as General Manager in 1898. J.C.Chambers (of BTC legal service) was General Manager 1951 until closure.
Signalling: The original signalling contract was with Saxbury and Farmer in 1872. Signals were of LNWR pattern. Originally Greenore-Dundalk (Barrack St.) formed one long block and staff section. Electric block telegraph was introduced in 1893 and Bush and Bellurgan became block posts. In GNR days, the staff sections for staff and ticket working were Greenore-Bush-Quay St. and, on the Newry line, Greenore-Carlingford-Newry (Bridge St.) with Bellurgan and Omeath being intermediate block posts without crossing facilities.

Further reading: D.S.Barrie, The Dundalk Newry and Greenore Railway, W.Robb, "Recollections of the GNR" JIRRS 672.

Coat of Arms

click for 22K .jpg image of DNGR monogram DNGR monogram
click for 3K .jpg image of DNGR coaDNGR coa. Source: SRA904

An earlier version of the crest, with a 2-2-2 loco and 4 wheeled coach (instead of a 4-4-0 tender loco and bogie coach), existed in the early days of the company.

click for 11k DNGR monogram DNGR monogram. Source: © G. Hartley (scan RCJ)

Rolling Stock railwayana (see supplementary page on DNGR rolling stock railwayana for full details)

Locomotive nameplates and numbers:
click for 14K .jpg image of DNGR 'Macrory' cabsideDNGR 'Macrory'cabside. Source: SRA 698
click for 7K .jpg image of DNGR cabsideDNGR 'Greenore' cabside
click for 4.6K .jpg image of DNGR cabsideDNGR 'Newry' cabside. Source: SRA312 (full image 60K)
click for 12.8K .jpg image of DNGR nameplate DNGR nameplate. Source: GCR411. (full image 24K)

See supplementary DNGR rolling stock railwayana page for additional material

No. 3 - P, No. 1 - P, No. 2 - UFTM.

Works & tenderplates:

Lineside and station railwayana (see supplementary page on DNGR lineside railwayana for full details)


Bridge Restriction:

Bridge Numbers:
click for 13K .jpg image of DNGR bridgeDNGR Bridge (full image 38K)
No. 1 - NRMY
No. 2 - P


click for 6K .jpg image of DNGR gateDNGR Gate Notice. Source: BRA295

DNGR Nuisance Notice (See supplementary DNGR lineside railwayana page)

DNGR Notice Board (See supplementary DNGR lineside railwayana page)

Mileposts, etc.:
click for 5K .jpg image of DNGR boundaryDNGR Boundary. Source: BRA698
Boundary - P + several NRMY (see photo)



click for 8K .jpg image of DNGR staff Greenore - Carlingford staff. Source: SRA1299

Staff - P

Cutlery, china, ashtrays etc.:


See supplementary DNGR lineside railwayana page for additional items

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Page posted 27/7/1997. Revised 29/3/13

This URL: http://www.irishrailwayana.com/ or http://www.irishrailroadiana.com/
Original URL: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/8690/
Auction prices: http://www.lennan.be, and http://users.skynet.be/ken.lennan/index.htm or http://gallery.uunet.be/ken.lennan/ now http://home.tiscali.be/ken.lennan/
Genealogy URL: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~lennan/

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